is the research network that consolidates the key competencies of Bavaria’s scientific community in the fight against antibiotic resistance. The goal is to bring together scientific excellence in this field and leverage the benefits of interdisciplinary research. Through regular exchanges within the six distinct research projects, synergies emerge between partners that significantly drive scientific progress. “The projects are very diverse, and through these different approaches, there is much to learn from each other, and ideas can be exchanged at many points. This has shown us the value of this broad and diverse approach,” emphasizes Prof. Dr. Markus Gerhard from the Technical University of Munich.
A crucial focus for the future of lies in transferring research results into practice. Despite existing expertise in hospitals and research institutions, there is often a lack of connection between basic research and clinical application. “There are people who have developed expertise in objectifying and rationalizing the use of antibiotics. But there is no translation between these aspects. That would be extremely beneficial,” explains PD Dr. Christian Schulz from the University Hospital Munich. Both are scientists involved in the Helicopredict network project, which investigates genome-based predictions of the virulence and resistance of Helicobacter pylori, a globally widespread bacterial pathogen and a cause of stomach cancer.
The successes achieved so far demonstrate that Bavaria, as a scientific location, has the opportunity to join the ranks of the world’s leading centers and achieve sustainable progress in the fight against antibiotic resistance. It is no coincidence that the WHO ranks antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among the ten greatest global threats to public health.