presenting at Forum Science & Health

The FORUM Science & Health is the interdisciplinary meeting place in Bavaria for everyone interested in life science and biotechnology. It covers a range of relevant topics, connecting players from the fields of biotechnology, medicine, nutrition, medical technology and digitalization to set new impulses for a future-oriented integrated medicine.
The forum facilitates an informative and fruitful exchange about current developments in the sector, novel technologies, interesting new findings and all the hot topics in the field of health research. has again been present with a separate session dedicated to the network entitled Novel biochemical approaches for next generations of antibiotics. Moderated by Andreas Hauser (Digital Networking) it started with a talk by Franziska Faber (Rbiotics) and was followed by a panel with Michael Menden (DynamicKit) and Peter Hammann (scientific advisory board) from the network and Klaus Weinberger (founding director health hub tirol) and Roman Wölfel (director of the institute for microbiology of the Bundeswehr).
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